USATF Cross Country Council Operating Procedures
Current Operating Procedures of the USATF Cross Country Running Council
Effective Jun 23, 2014
Cross Country Running Council
Operating Procedures (as of 6/23/2014)
A. Duties and responsibilities: The Cross Country Running Council shall:
i. Championships: Have jurisdiction over the national championships and regional championships – where regional coordinators are appointed – in its discipline, and institute, conduct, and manage these championships under Regulation 18;
ii. Calendar: Coordinate the domestic and international competition calendar in its discipline in conjunction with National Office Management; and
iii. IAAF candidates: Recommend candidates for nomination to serve in the IAAF under Article 17.
B. Council definition: The disciplines and age categories under the control of the Cross Country Running Council are as follows:
i. Age categories:
a. Open athletes are of any age 14 years and over;
b. Masters athletes must be at least age 40 on the day of competition; and
c. Junior athletes must be at least age 14 on the day of competition and under age 20 on December 31 in the year of the competition; and
ii. Jurisdiction: The Council governs cross country running only for junior, open, and masters men and women.
C. Makeup: The Council’s makeup, which shall be reflected along with the sport committees in the exhibits section of this handbook, shall be as follows:
i. Association members: One (1) member to be appointed by each accredited Association. If two Associations merge, the two incumbent representatives on the committee may continue to serve. When at least one incumbent no longer serves on the committee, the merged Association’s representation shall revert to one committee member. If there are fewer Associations than the accredited number in attendance at any meeting of the Council, the Council may approve up to five (5) at-large voting members be added to the membership for that meeting;
ii. Sports organization members: One (1) member to be appointed by each approved sports organization;
iii. Officials Committee member: One (1) member to be appointed by and from the Officials Committee;
iv. Elected chair: The person elected by and from the council to serve as chair, who shall appoint other officers and regional representatives from the membership of the Council as needed; and
v. Athletes: Active Athletes in the discipline of Cross Country who shall constitute at least twenty percent (20%) of the total membership.
d. Executive Committee: The Council chair shall appoint an executive committee to perform the Council’s duties between annual meetings. Its membership shall include at least twenty percent (20%) Active Athletes in the discipline of cross-country.
D. Cross Country Championships:
i The Masters Long Distance Running Committee shall have the right of approval of masters’ championship bids recommended by the Cross Country Running Council.
ii. A joint Site Selection Subcommittee consisting of three members selected by the Cross Country Running Council, three members selected by the Club Council, and one member selected by the Masters Long Distance Running Committee shall recommend a site for the national Club Cross Country Championships to the CEO. The Masters LDR representative shall be the chairperson of this joint sub-committee;
iii. All appropriate National Cross Country Championship events shall be subject to review by the Cross Country Council.
E. USATF membership: In order to participate as a USATF Committee member, an individual must be a member of USATF
F. Term of members: Unless otherwise provided, the term for members of all committees shall be four (4) years and shall commence at the conclusion of the annual meeting in each year of the Summer Olympic Games.
G. General Provisions: Per Regulation 11.A.6, the Committee shall hold its annual meeting in conjunction with the USATF annual meeting. The Committee may hold special meetings if called by the chair, at his or her own initiative, or by twenty percent (20%) of the committee’s membership, upon thirty (30) days written notice. There will be a published agenda available at least 24 hours prior to the committee’s first scheduled session. Additional items added to the agenda shall not include any item where action of the committee is necessary, unless seventy-five percent (75%) of the members of the group then present agree. All meetings of the Committee and its Executive Committee, board, or task group shall be open to all USATF individual members. No part of any meeting shall be closed unless seventy-five percent (75%) of the members of the group then present agree to close the session. A quorum for any committee meeting shall consist of twenty-five percent (25%) of its members.